Dating Long Distance · Lifestyle · Love & Romance · Marriage · Moving Across Country

How He Asked

It was a Sunday morning in South Lake Tahoe, I did not know anything unusual would happen. We were at a cabin with friends, friends from Sacramento and friends from Chicago. It was our second day of snowboarding, but some of us were actually planning to hang around town. We all were busy cleaning and Jay was not acting different or nervous or anything. He said he went to the store and bought water with Eugene (this is when they checked out the place where he would propose.) So we finished cleaning and the group went outside to take a group picture. Then everyone went to their cars and what I thought, began driving to Heavenly to snowboard.

As we were driving, Jay points out, “hey this looks familiar.” I noticed this was the same place we were at in August when we came on a date together. In August we had a picnic on this pink blanket as he played guitar and made silly songs for me. This time it was freezing cold outside, but the snow laying around was so beautiful. We arrived to the beach, they said “Eugene wants to check out the view one last time before they leave.” I did not think anything of it, so I did not mind.

Jay and I were walking around the beach, our friends behind us, admiring the view around us. Then we both went to a friend we call Lebich because he was playing with a huge snowball. Then we went together and began seeing if we could make another crack in the snow because the snow was frozen on top of the water. Anyways, we began walking back and our group of friends were all staring at us from a distance. I did not think anything of it, it just seemed as if they were waiting for us. (I also did not notice that Eugene and Oleg were gone this whole time.) As we were walking back and I was enjoying the view, I look down at Jay’s hands and saw he had his gloves off. I asked him, “why did you take off your gloves?” He tells me, “you will see in a second.” At that moment I knew it was coming, ready or not.

I slowly looked up and saw the pink blanket from our August trip with red rose pedals on it. I froze and saw Jay slowly going on his knee, (btw he was wearing the same outfit that he wore back in August and was looking extra cute that day.) I wanted to run away because I did not think this was happening to me. All my life looking forward to the day my man would propose. All the videos of “How He Asked” on Youtube and people telling stories of how everything happened. I did not realize this was happening to me, Christina Derkach. He took a piece of paper out of his pocket and began reading all the things he loves about me. The way I smile, the moments I get embarrassed, and how loud I am, etc. Then he goes, “I need something else.” And Eugene threw the ring box to him, he totally missed it, which was funny. He picked it up, smiling from ear to ear while I was standing there wanting to bawl my eyes out but holding it all in, and asked “Will You Marry Me?”

Of course I said Yes! Then we hugged and I told him, “Yes, a million times yes!”



Moving Across Country · Poetry

Summer Nights

Summer nights
Spent inside
Quiet mind
When there’s noise outside
Wanting more than what we have
Jealous of the world out there
Chasing the day with wind in my hair
Claustrophobia within these apartment walls
Having a balcony, while staring at a factory
If you ask me, it’s not enough space
I get lost in my mind
Got nowhere to hide
This feeling I have- will it ever go away?
How long is the wait-
Chasing money each day,
Just to have some more space
It doesn’t seem fair, we’re all in a race
Who can work harder, faster, bring in more hours
In the end just to have more air on their face
A simple summer night
Just sitting outside
In my backyard, freedom in my heart

living in Colorado · Moving Across Country

Living in Colorado {Month 4 & 5}

Jay and I have just been so busy with school and work. We are both working so hard to pass our classes and at the same time, buy improvements for the house. So far, we have been doing really good. Thank You Lord! I have such an awesome video to show you guys. Keep reading to find out what it is (:

Month of October has been flooded with visitors. We have had Jason’s sisters and parents visit us, showering us with amazing home-warming gifts! You know when people are just so generous you don’t know what to do or how to thank them? Yeah, that’s his family. They cooked, cleaned, bought us non-stick pans, a crockpot, candles, dinners, and flowers! We are just so beyond blessed with them.

It was funny because mom (in-law) went to Costco with me to buy us groceries and she bought us bundles of celery, spinach, and carrots. Two weeks later, I am still trying to use up all those vegetables in smoothies and salads! Lol. I mean, there’s only two of us in this house, how much celery can we eat?! Haha, gotta love her.

You know that polling thing on Instagram where you ask a question and people vote? I am telling you, people can just be way too honest sometimes. I made a casserole the other day and I wrote, “can I cook?” Just to see people’s opinions and some people, mind you I have never met them, wrote “no!” I mean, really? Why even vote. I find it so rude, but I guess I do want to know the truth. That is why I haven’t been cooking lately. i’m kidding, I don’t get that offended. I am just saying, if you were joking, I do not understand your joke because I do not KNOW you! Anyways, I just find it rude because these are housewives who probably stay at home, watch their babies, and cook five-course meals all day. All I have time for is to put everything in a bowl and in the oven. My husband would not even care if I made him a sandwich for dinner everyday. Ok, I’m done defending myself on the concept of cooking.

This month is an exciting one because my sister and brother are coming to visit us for Thanksgiving! They have never been to Denver, so it will be an adventure showing them around the city and mountains. I want to take my brother Vitaliy on the train all the way from the airport. I just think we have such a great transportation system and I wanna show him how to use it when he comes to visit next time! Lol. Is that weird?

We have been cleaning, doing homework, and just reorganizing everything around the house and the basement. Let me tell you, it is so nice to have a whole basement for storage! We were talking about later moving into a loft in the city and when I told him what we needed the second bedroom for, he said, “then I’ll just put my office in the living room.” I laughed so hard because the living room is for the TV and couch, not for an office! Get this straight, I was not laughing at him, I was laughing at the fact that we have so much space in our 1,000 sq ft condo, that moving into a two bedroom loft would be a downsize for us. We have not only suitcases of clothes, but musical gear, an office, and two beds. And you know what I told him that other room would be for instead of his office? You guys think I’m just being mean to my husband, but in two years… someone will need a room of their own…..

Watch my Youtube video to understand what I’m saying: click here. 






























So that was what I was promising you all last month. I had to keep it top secret because I just told my boss and employees. They were so thrilled! It made me feel so welcome and at peace. I could not stop thanking God for the wonderful job I have.




Here’s some pictures Nelly took of us around Mayflower Gulch and Breckinridge, Colorado:

jc photoshoot524.jpg

My favorite one b/c it’s as if Jay is the pregnant one here(;


jc baby3.jpg



Reach me on snapchat @adventinas (;



Life Experiences · Lifestyle · living in Colorado · Marriage · Moving Across Country

Living in Colorado {Month 1}

O.K. now with this post, I will have more pictures than writing because, well, you deserve it! From July to August, life started out chaotic and then came to a slow, and steady ease. From family vacations to Wisconsin Dells, San Clemente, and LA, we are finally at home and settled down! This time, for a while (; Chicago was a temporary home that, though we had friends and family, didn’t feel quite right for us. Not only with pricey schools, but the acceptance of the city itself. Though we made new friends, the last few weeks- as mentioned in my last post- just felt as if Chicago was kicking us out.

So Denver. Our New Home. It feels nice to say that. We came here, knowing nothing and no one. I mean the (literally) two friends we know here are either antisocial or single. Nothing we relate to. The funny thing is, people in my case would naturally give up and go on Social Media to cope with their aloneness. Not loneliness, aloneness. And surprisingly, I deleted my snapchat, hardly go on Instagram, and check Facebook only to see what my mom is up to. It truly does not make me happy, nor quench any thirst. I just lost interest. As of Jason and I, we are alone in this state, but we are not lonely. Yes, we have each other and we could become like our other friends who sit at home, work, and don’t interact with anyone- or we could go out and discover new places. Which, we have.

Not only do I love our little condo that we live in because of its gorgeous scenery, spacious backyard, and free parking- but I enjoy this Colorado weather! Right now in August, it is monsoon season. Monsoon season means it can be sunny all day (to where you can get a really dark tan) and rain/thunderstorm all night. So there’s that. I enjoy the fact that I can get in my car and simply go to the store a mile away, or that I can go outside anytime I want to tan at my own leisure. The greatest discovery about living here was finding out that there is a Safeway! That store has the best deals on food and gas. I always save so much money when I shop there. Oh, there’s also this recreation area that is like a mini indoor gym and waterpark. Because I am not really involved in anything other than work (three week break from school is driving me crazy!) I usually go to that recreation area and work out for a few hours. This week, Jason’s schedule has been a drag and he had to work this weekend and every other night, so we hardly had anytime to explore together.

Although, on a brighter side, I have some extra time to write my blog:)

Highlight Story:

The one-car-only situation has been a consistent adventure this past month. I usually take the car to work from 7-6pm, and Jason started working at a store that is three miles away. There was a time where he walked about two miles to work because the bus was getting repaired! I am telling you, this guy. He will do anything to save a few extra dollars. I gotta love him!

Anyways, like I promised. Here are some pictures from this month!


summer2017 family trip

We haven’t had a full family picture in about ten plus years! I’m glad we all made it to 2017 and took a beautiful family picture.


Date nights are so important. 

Even though we’re tight on money, we still try to find new inexpensive spots in Denver. 

We are both starting school next week, so we’re trying to make the most out of every weekend by discovering new places. 




Jason was at work on a Sunday, boo-hoo. So I decided to rollerblade around Lakewood. Not a good idea, hahaha.

We decided to go to Wellington Lake and join our friends, who were camping. The boat was an adventure for Jason! Hahaha. 

Family time in San Clemente. Dad just wants to sleep!

file2-1                                  We try to make Wednesday nights our date nights.


Love you all and thanks for reading!






Moving Across Country

Living in Chicago {Month 2}

January 17th, 2017

It has been two months living in what they call “Windy City.” However, I still don’t know why they call it windy city, it’s not much of a windy city- but a cold city. Like my husband said the other day, “It’s JUST cold!”

This month I have learned that marriage is a test of how much you can love. I was constantly frustrated of the fact that I was always cleaning up after my husband, telling him what to help me with, and asking him to do things for me. I mean, why can’t he just do things on his own? It would be such a simple life if I could come home and dinner is ready, without me having to ask. I mean, you came home early today- why didn’t you think of getting a head start on dinner? But it’s not like that. Us wives have to learn that our husbands love in other ways. They buy you flowers without asking, they’ve paid the bill ahead of time, they made you coffee this morning, etc… Just think of the ways your husband loves you. I know that if I love my husband unconditionally- he will do things without me having to ask. He will feel so loved that he will take out the trash and clean my car, WITHOUT ME ASKING! It’s amazing, keep loving your husbands wives. (P.S. I made Jason a hot bubble bath with salts and lit up a candle because he was feeling sick and this morning he made me an omelette and coffee to go for work! So sweet<3)

Okay, enough about the marriage talk, let’s talk about friends! This month our good friends Oleg and Vaida got engaged in Mexico, congrats! We celebrated with them after they came home. And if you know me, I gave her my personal tips on what I know about planning a wedding. She has done so much research already! Good job Vai(: One advice that I gave her and I would suggest to any engaged couple is : plan as much as you can, but don’t expect too much. If you expect too much for your wedding instead of “going with the flow” then you may be let down. Weddings are never “perfect,” but if you choose to believe your day is and was absolutely perfect, then you set your mind to that. On the other hand, last Tuesday Jason and I joined a small group from Harvest Cathedral church. We like it already (: It is so good to have people in our lives who are both newly weds and have been married for a while.

This last Sunday my dad finally came to visit us from California. I tried so hard to impress him with the food I was going to make (because he only eats Ukrainian food) so I made potatoes, kaklethi, plemeni, and tomato-cucumber salad. I wasn’t patient enough to wait for the potatoes to cook, so they didn’t turn out ready in time 😦 I hope he liked my food though! He is my food critic. Jason took him to the sauna too. If you are a guy visiting Chicago, you cannot come without going to the sauna, (it’s a guy thing). Other than my dad and my cousin Roman (who stopped by for an hour the other day)- we haven’t had many new people over. We just bought a new table and it only has two chairs, which is the main reason we aren’t inviting anyone over. I have been looking on craigslist to try and buy four wooden chairs, but nobody wants to sell them to me without the table! If you haven’t been invited to our new apartment yet, now you know why.

After the wedding and the chaos, marriage calms you down  bit. However, Jason and I have found activities to occupy us. The first thing on our list was applying for schools everywhere. We are both hoping to get into the same school or schools not far from each other.  I have also been buying some apartment decorations online. One of our recent projects was hanging up the curtains in our living room. I ironed, he drilled, I hung them up, he complimented. We have also bought ourselves an end table, a mirror, and suitcases for a DIY nightstand. These projects really kept us occupied because not were we looking for something we both like (which takes time), we also were buying within a budget.

Other than that, what I am really proud of these past two months is the fact that I have saved so much money on coffee. I love my coffee and making it at home can be difficult, especially if the beans are no bueno. However, we have been buying ourselves good coffee beans (it is the city, I mean come on) and making ourselves pour overs each morning. However, we would like to invest in a good coffee maker for when we get those chairs and invite more people over! (;

Here are some pictures from the month of January!

<My dad came to visit on his truck!>


My current work view. I love it.